AFW photography: Blog en-us (C) AFW photography [email protected] (AFW photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:37:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:37:00 GMT AFW photography: Blog 77 120 New Chapter New chapter


I’ve been working a lot but I have been missing my outlet of art. I’ve been creating work for a company of mediocre work. Day after day feeling over looked and slipping through the cracks.  I chose photography so I could live and create work I love. I was a painter when I started out. But no one spends money for paintings like the Greats unless you’re a painter that is unbelievably talented… But even then people want to buy a name not the work…


I’m starting to see photography really is no different… I just want a person to take a chance on me. But I’m afraid I’ll end up like Emily Dickinson. Keeping my work locked away till the end. I don’t want that.  So my new chapter is to change, to start showing my work off more… even the paintings.


To think more out of the box then staying in the plane of mediocre even if that’s what I have to do for work it will no longer be my definition of my life. Hope you all will see more of my work and myself.

[email protected] (AFW photography) Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:25:14 GMT